CRM made cool with Rapportive

I have recently been searching for applications that could improve my productivity within Gmail. Whilst searching through the Google Chrome store, I came across an extension called  “Rapportive”. The extension to my Gmail immediately created a new look to my email, and caused me to think “cool”. What was so cool about it for me? On the […]

Enter that space where students engage.

After a busy day at work, I am reflecting on what I did and many conversations with colleagues and students. Some words that strongly come to mind is engage, influence and learn. Working as an educator in the college sector is an awesome privilege. In itself, every teacher or lecturer is presented with an opportunity […]


For the past month I have been working on ways  to utilise existing innovations in new situations. It has been very exciting as I discover the endless possibilities on offer. This experience has taught me the following lessons: Innovations should be used for the improvement of people’s quality of life. For example, Social Media Tools have drasticly altered […]

Keep on trying

The Social Media space is one which cannot be ignored by any person living today. And that includes myself. Over 12 months ago I created my own blog with Blogspot, but never really got the blog off the ground. And here I am, once again trying to do blogging. The difference between now and then, […]